![]() The Bachelor of Science in Criminology or Criminal Justice is a a 4-year college degree program intended for individuals who wish to have a career in the fields of law enforcement, security administration, crime detection and prevention or correctional administration. The BS in Criminology program aims to foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility while serving fellowmen, community and the country. The course is comprised of CHED mandated general education subjects, profession-related courses and 2-phase practicum. BSCrim students will learn various theories, policies, practices and laws associated with criminal behavior and the methods applied to manage such deviant activities. Subjects in this course include Police Photography, Ballistics, Forensic Science, Toxicology,Polygraphy and Legal Medicine. The course also offers special Physical Education classes which include Martial Arts, First Aid, Survival Training, Markmanship and Combat Shooting. Is Criminology a profession? Criminology is a proffesion. A graduate of BS in Criminology who passed the Criminologist Licensure Examination is called a Criminologist. A Criminologists job includes practice in the field of Law Enforcement as an agent, adviser or administrator; as a Technician in dactyloscopy, ballistics and other scientific aspects of crime detection; as an officer in any correctional and penal institution; as a counselor in various agencies such as those involved in criminal research or public welfare; or as a teacher / instructor of Criminology subjects in universities. What are the admission requirements for B.S. Crim.? Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:
What skills will help you succeed in this course? BS Criminology does not require any special skills, except general skills helpful for any course:
How difficult is this course? Many students would classify this field of study as interesting and not difficult at all. The course includes several intriguing subjects such as forensic, criminal phsycology, human behavior and crisis management, criminal investigation, accidents investigation, arson, crime organizations, drugs, criminal procedures, defense tactics and more. Even the 2-phased Practicum is highly anticipated by the graduating students due to its social relevance. How long does it take to complete BS in Criminology in the Philippines? Normally, the BS Crim. program takes 4 years to complete. Some schools who apply the trimesteral system do the program in shorter period of time. On the job training / internship takes 1 semester or 540 hours. On The Job training / Internship As mandated by CHED (CMO no.37 series of 2010) BS in Criminology students are required to take Practicum for 1 semester on the fourth year of the program. The Practicum shall be divided in two components, 270 hrs of on-the-job training and another 270 hrs. of Community Immersion, to complete the 540 hrs of internship. The Practicum is designed to provide practical experiences for BS Crim. students working in the 5 pillars of the Criminal Justice System: Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Judiciary, Corrections and the Community. During this period, the criminology interns are allowed to observe and assist, but not to perform actual operations that may compromise their safety. Interns are expected to keep the informations learned during the practicum confidential. Specializations
The Board Exam A Criminology graduate needs to take the Criminologist Licensure Examination before he/she can practice as a Criminologist. The examination is conducted by the Board of Criminology under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). It is scheduled twice a year in the months of April and October. The main subjects of the BSCrim. Board exam are Criminal Jurisprudence, Procedure and Evidence; Law Enforcement Administration; Criminalistics; Crime Detection and Investigation; Sociology of Crimes and Ethics; and Correctional Administration. After graduation, students have 5-6 months to review the material before the October exam. Those who completed the course on irregular timeframe typically choose the April examination date. Review programs are usually provided by the school. However, some students decide on enrolling at specialized review centers. Career opportunities for BS Crim. Graduates
December 2017