![]() The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) is a 5-year degree program which centers on the generation and utilization of electricity for industrial, commercial, and residential purposes. Apart from the production of electricity, BS in Electrical Engineering also deals with the development and real-life applications of electrical circuitry, digital systems, electrical equipments, and machine control. Its curriculum was designed in a way that it will equip students with a solid grasp of mathematical, scientific, and engineering concepts, through classroom education and laboratory exercises. Some of the subjects covered include:
The laboratory experience will familiarize students with the different devices and methodical techniques that are essential in the practice of this field. In addition, their theoretical knowledge will further be enhanced, made relevant, and practiced, through the On-the-Job Training period that they are required to go through at the latter part of the degree program. Is Electrical Engineering a profession? Electrical Engineering is a profession. A graduate of BS in Electrical Engineering who passed the Electrical Engineer Licensure Examination is called an Electrical Engineer. An Electrical Engineers job includes the design of electrical and digital systems, creation of models and prototypes of electronic products and systems, installation and testing of electrical equipments, operation and maintenance of these machines and devices, as well as coming up with economical and safer ways of accomplishing various electrical engineering projects. What are the admission requirements for BSEE? Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:
What skills will help you succeed in this course? Some of the necessary skills that you should possess in order to excel in this course are the following:
How difficult is this course? BS in Electrical Engineering is one of the most difficult courses. This is probably because most of the subjects are highly technical and scientific in nature. Furthermore, this degree program involves a lot of computations, analyses, and abstract and logical thinking. There are many students who shift to other degree programs because they find it too difficult or some are even advised by the school administration because of their inability to meet the cutoff grades or course requirements. BSEE is made even more difficult because of the licensure examination that graduates are required to pass in order to be a registered electrical engineer. How long does it take to complete BS in Electrical Engineering in the Philippines? Normally, the BSEE program takes 5 years to complete. Some schools who apply the trimester system do the program in a shorter time. On the job training takes a minimum of 240 hours to complete. Reviews for the board exam may require an additional 4-12 months, depending on whether you pass the board exam on your first try. On The Job Training / Internship As stated in the 2008 Memorandum Order (No. 34) of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), electrical engineering students are required to undergo a minimum of 240 hours of On-the-Job Training. However, schools offering BS in Electrical Engineering can also opt to substitute OJT with projects or additional school requirements that will enhance the students understanding of this field and somehow prepare them for real-life applications of the various electrical engineering concepts that they learned. Some schools facilitate their students in their search for internship opportunities, while some give their students the freedom to choose any private company, organization, or government agency which accepts trainees or interns that are under the BS in Electrical Engineering program. Specializations
The Board Exam An Electrical Engineering graduate needs to take the Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Examination before he/she can practice as an electrical engineer. The examination is conducted by the Board of Electrical Engineering under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). It is scheduled twice a year in the months of April and September. Career opportunities for BSEE graduates
December 2017