![]() Some students are content in attending local colleges and universities, but others are more interested in looking at programs for studying abroad. The question here is why would students even want to go to an unfamiliar land to study a course they can finish at home? Here are some of the more useful reasons why. To expand your horizons The world is an awfully large place in terms of culture and thinking. Sure, the Internet will allow you to learn more about historical sites in India or about modern culture in Japan, but it is the people and their way of life that will change the way you view your own life. Even something as simple as people's attitudes about mass transit, or which hands they use to eat their food will shed light on a great deal about things in yourself that you would normally not have given a second thought to. To build international connections School is a great place to get to know people you can tap into once you get your career in full swing, which is why you put yourself at a huge advantage by building connections from studying abroad. Your foreign friends could help you land a job as an international liaison with their company, or that smart-mouthed rival you were always competing with could offer products and services at a significant discount once you start your own business. The best part here is that these connections are unique to you and will give you an advantage that your local peers rarely have access to. To impress prospective employers Knowing a culture's language and the norms of that culture's society is a significant advantage when looking for work with a multinational company. Your prospective employer will look at your resume and see someone who will understand both the overt gestures and the covert undertones of a subtle culture. They will look at you and see someone who already has experience with a culture and is likely to interact better with the locals. In short, they'll see you as a potential candidate for representing the company's interests in a foreign country, and not just another fresh graduate that is desperate for a job. To build character Studying abroad is nowhere near taking a holiday. You may have the time to see the sights and appreciate the local cuisine, but you will spend a significant part of your life learning the language and absorbing the local culture. This not only builds up your employable skills but also builds your character as well. It teaches you a lot - like how to be open to other cultures, to learn to adapt to a unique environment, to acclimate yourself to different weather patterns, and how to rapidly understand a way of life that is often far detached from your old one. You'll come back home a changed person: one who is tougher, more resilient yet more emphatic and understanding as well. Keep all this in mind and you will understand just how important studying abroad can be in advancing both your career and your character. This is just a few of the advantages associated with studying abroad ... interested in an affordable destination, whether Undergraduate, Masters or PhD? Contact us now: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] |
December 2017